Medieval Music Database
Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya, BM 853c/d
Seven folios and a bifolio from a late 14th or early 15th-century manuscript of sacred polyphony. Items 5, 7 and 10 are concordant in F-APT 16bis. The large size of the codex and the care with which it was prepared suggests a provenance of importance, such as the Royal Chapel in Aragon.
GOMEZ, Maria del Carmen. 'Neue Quellen mit mehrstimmiger geistlicher Musik des 14. Jahrhunderts in Spanien', Acta Musicologica, L (1978): 208-216 (pp. 211-215).
- fol. 1, Kyrie, Rex inmense - Dulcis potens - [Rex inmense] (Kyrie))
- fol. 1, Kyrie, Virgo sacrata Maria (Kyrie))
- fol. 1v-2, Kyrie, Ave desiderii - Cum partu mirabili (Kyrie))
- fol. 1v/2r, Credo (Johannes de Semeriaco))
- fol. 2, Kyrie (Kyrie))
- fol. 2v, Sanctus (Sanctus))
- fol. 2v, Sanctus (Fleurie))
- fol. 2v-4v, Gloria, ... semper flore amoenissimus (Gloria))
- fol. 5, Kyrie, O sacra virgo (Kyrie))
- fol. 5v-6v, Credo (Credo))
- fol. 8-8v, Credo (Perrinet))
- REANEY, Gilbert. 'Fleurie', The New Grove, VI (1980): 640.
- GOMEZ, Maria del Carmen. 'Musique et musiciens dans les chapelles de la maison royale d'Aragon (1336-1413)', Musica Disciplina, XXXVIII (1984): 67-86 (p. 78ff).
- NEWES, Virginia E. 'The relationship of text to imitative technique in 14th century polyphony', Musik und Text in der Mehrstimmigkeit des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts, edited by U. Günther and L. Finscher, Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1984, pp. 121-154.
CONCORDANCES1.Apt, Cathédrale Sainte-Anne, Bibliothèque du Chapitre, 16bis (8v, Kyrie, O sacra virgo; 11v, Sanctus; 11-11v, Sanctus; 11r/v, Sanctus; 29v-32, Credo).
2.Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya, BM 853b (8-8v, Kyrie, O sacra virgo).
3.Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya 971 (olim 946) (9v-10, Kyrie, Rex inmense - Dulcis potens - [Rex inmense]).
4.Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya 971c (1v, Kyrie, Rex inmense - Dulcis potens - [Rex inmense]).
5.Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria 2216 (96v/98, Credo).
6.Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Ms Q 15. (96v-98, Credo).
7.Brussels, Bibliothèque du Conservatoire Royal de Musique, fonds St. Gudule, 2nd Fragment (Credo).
8.Gerona, Archivo Capitular, frag. 33/II (Sanctus; 2v-3r, Sanctus; 2v-3, Sanctus).
9.Grottaferrata, Badia Greca, Biblioteca, collocazione provisoria 197 (5, Credo).
10.Kernaskléden, frescoes in the church of Notre Dame (Sanctus).
11.Madrid, Archivo Histórico Nacional, Carpeta 1474, frag. 17 (1v, Kyrie, Rex inmense - Dulcis potens - [Rex inmense]).
12.Padua, Biblioteca Universitaria 684 (n8, Credo; 195v, Credo).
13.Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Municipale (olim Bibliothèque de la Ville) 222 C. 22 (3v-4, Credo; 109v/110v, Credo).
14.Washington, Library of Congress, M 2.1.C 6a. 14 (1v, Credo).
Recordings of works contained in this manuscriptMusic au temps des Papes en Avignon: CBS Masterworks 76534: Credo;.
