LUNA-Insight @ La Trobe
LUNA-Insight provides digital image collections and tools in support of teaching, learning, and research for faculty and students of La Trobe University.
Please note: due to some requirements of this database you may need to login to see different individual collections. Use your La Trobe University login when logging in (students) or your existing LUNA-Insight account (staff).
Open Access
Open access, according to individual collection stated rights.
Australian Zooarchaeology
![Australian Zooarchaeology](insight-images/Zooarchaeology.jpg)
Zooarchaeology, bone image, bones, fauna, skeleton, archaeology, animal remains, taphonomy, Marsupialia, Antechinus, Bettongia, Canis, Cercartetus, Dasyurus, Felis, Hydromys, Isoodon, Macropus, Mastacomys, Ornithorhynchus, Oryctolagus, Perameles, Potorous, Pseudocheirous, Sarcophilus, Sminthopsis, Tachyglossus, Thylogale, Trichosurus, Vombatus, Australia, Tasmania, course work, CD-ROM, database, online, reference collection, audio visual.
The bone image database contains over 580 skeletal images of 26 Australian mammal species.
David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
![David Rumsey Historical Map Collection](insight-images/HistoricalMap.jpg)
The David Rumsey Collection focuses on 18th and 19th century North and South American cartographic materials. The collection includes atlases, globes, school geographies, maritime charts, and a variety of separate maps including pocket, wall, children's and manuscript maps. The online selection is an expanding cross section of images designed to highlight the depth and breadth of the collection. The digital images and associated descriptive data are Cartography Associates.
Over 13,600 images
Deneia Archive
![Deneia Archive](insight-images/Deneia.jpg)
The Deneia area was a major focus of habitation for over 2000 years, throughout the Bronze Age into the Iron Age. Over 1000 pottery fragments are presented here, showing the great richness of the site and illustrating the range and quality of Bronze Age pottery from Cyprus. Further details are published in D. Frankel and J.M. Webb, 2007. The Bronze Age Cemeteries at Deneia in Cyprus. SIMA CXXXV, Svedalen.
Farber Gravestone Collection
![Farber Gravestone Collection](insight-images/Farber.jpg)
The Farber Gravestone Collection is an unusual resource documenting gravestone sculpture, mostly prior to 1800. The late Daniel Farber of Worcester, Massachusetts, and his wife, Jessie Lie Farber, were responsible for the largest portion of the collection. These early stones are both a significant form of artistic creation and precious records of biographical information, such as name, death date of the deceased, stone location, and information concerning the stone material, iconography, the inscription, and (when known) the carver
13,527 images
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art
![Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art](insight-images/Herbert.jpg)
The Herbert F. Johnson Museum has one of the finest collections of art in New York State and is recognized as one of the most important university museums in the country. Spanning the history of art, the Museum's collections are especially strong in Asian Art, nineteenth and twentieth-century American art, and the graphic arts. Images are available in thumbnail and zoom level 2 only.
Over 20,000 images
Hoover Institution Library & Archives Poster Collection
![Hoover Institution Poster Collection](insight-images/Hoover.jpg)
The Hoover Institution Library & Archives Poster Collection includes political posters from around the world. Many thousands of posters date from World War I and World War II, though the posters cover the entire Twentieth Century. Posters from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Russian empire and Soviet Union, as well France are well represented. There are posters from more than eighty countries.
53 images
LTU Only
La Trobe Universty Staff and Students Only
A record in stone
![A record in stone](insight-images/1-30-4.jpg)
A Record in Stone provides examples of the different ways in which archaeologists use flaked stone artefacts as a basis for reconstructing the distant human past.
National Palace Museum
![National Palace Museum](insight-images/Palace.jpg)
The curators of the National Palace Museum in Taipei have carefully selected thousands of works from their permanent collection to be included in a new digitized collection. The scope of these works spans seven millennia of Chinese history and pre-history.
The bone image database contains over 580 skeletal images of 26 Australian mammal species.
Research Collection created by Honorary Senior Research Fellow Dr. Patricia Woolley.
LTU Anatomy Only
La Trobe Universty Anatomy Students Only
Anatomy - Introduction
![Anatomy - introduction](insight-images/B1.jpg)
The School of Human Biosciences contains a collection of plastinated human cadaver sections approximately 5mm thick. The collection was digitized and then labelled to allow identification of particular anatomical features on the image. This collection contains a series of images which provide an introduction to human anatomy.
Anatomy - Limbs
![Anatomy - limbs](insight-images/limbs.jpg)
The School of Human Biosciences contains a collection of plastinated human cadaver sections approximately 5mm thick. The collection was digitized and then labelled to allow identification of particular anatomical features on the image. This collection contains a series of images that relate to the upper and lower limbs.
Anatomy - Tissues and Organs
![Anatomy - tissues and organs](insight-images/anatomy-tissues.jpg)
The School of Human Biosciences contains a collection of plastinated human cadaver sections approximately 5mm thick. The collection was digitized and then labelled to allow identification of particular anatomical features on the image. This collection contains a series of images that relate to the identification of generic tissues and organs.
Anatomy - Trunk Body Wall
![Anatomy - trunk body wall](insight-images/tissues.jpg)
The School of Human Biosciences contains a collection of plastinated human cadaver sections approximately 5mm thick. The collection was digitized and then labelled to allow identification of particular anatomical features on the image. This collection contains a series of images that relate to somatic structures in the trunk, head and neck.
Anatomy - Trunk Viscera
![Anatomy - trunk viscera](insight-images/anatomy-trunkv.jpg)
The School of Human Biosciences contains a collection of plastinated human cadaver sections approximately 5mm thick. The collection was digitized and then labelled to allow identification of particular anatomical features on the image. This collection contains a series of images that relate to visceral structures in the trunk, head and neck.
Anatomy - Radiology
![Anatomy - radiology](insight-images/radiology.jpg)
The School of Human Biosciences contains a collection of plastinated human cadaver sections approximately 5mm thick. The collection was digitized and then labelled to allow identification of particular anatomical features on the image. This collection contains a series of radiology images.
Anatomy - Medical Imaging
![Anatomy - medical imaging](insight-images/medicalimaging.jpg)
The School of Human Biosciences contains a collection of plastinated human cadaver sections approximately 5mm thick. The collection was digitized and then labelled to allow identification of particular anatomical features on the image. This collection contains a series of medical-imaging images.
La Trobe University users can access the full list of Luna Commons databases including numerous map, book and photography archives online.
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