Gradual related to 'Christus factus est pro nobis obediens' |
based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs
Gradual: Exiit sermo inter fratres, quod discipulus ille non moritur. v.Sed Sic eum volo manere, donec veniam: tu me sequere. |
Similarity: 93% |
Common structure: 1:FGFGFGaF 2:EDGEFGFaFGacdcdcbcaGacaFáaG (+a)+ 3:FGFabGc (+dc)+ 4:abcbaGabaGFCFGaGFEGaFaGaGFaGcdcGcdcdcGcdfgfdecacbdecedcedcbacdcefdcacac (+acdcdecdcFaG)+ 5:FGacba 6:caFaGaGF |
This melody: [1] GF [2] [3] [4] Ga [5] d [6] |