3 Antiphons related to 'Elisabeth Zachariae magnum virum genuit'
based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs
1. Antiphon: CAO 3052 Hic est discipulus meus sic eum volo manere donec veniam
Similarity: 86%
Common structure: 1:GacacbGabaGa (+cbGacG)+ 2:FGE
This melody: [1] [2]
2. Antiphon: CAO 3370 Inter natos mulierum non surrexit major Joanne Baptista.
Similarity: 85%
Common structure: (+Ga)+ 1:cacb 2:GabaG (+a)+ 3:cbGacGF (+G)+ 4:E
This melody: G [1] a [2] [3] [4]
3. Antiphon: CAO 3370 Inter natos mulierum non sur rexit major Joanne Baptista.
Similarity: 85%
Common structure: (+Ga)+ 1:cacb 2:GabaG (+a)+ 3:cbGacGF (+G)+ 4:E
This melody: G [1] a [2] [3] [4]
Content Approved by: MMDB
Last updated: Friday, 14 March 2003