4 Antiphons related to 'Annun tiaverun opera dei et facta'
based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs
1. Antiphon: CAO 2099 Data est mihi omnis potestas in caelo et in terra alleluia
Similarity: 89%
Common structure: 1:GFacbGbcaGaGFGFacbGbcaG (+acbc)+ 2:aG
This melody: [1] FG [2]
2. Antiphon: CAO 4513 Quia vidisti me, Thoma, credidisti beati qui non viderunt, et crediderun alleluia.
Similarity: 89%
Common structure: 1:GFacbGbcaGaGFGFacbGbcaG (+acbc)+ 2:aG
This melody: [1] FG [2]
3. Antiphon: CAO 3857 Natus est nobis hodie salvator qui est Christus dominus in civitate David
Similarity: 89%
Common structure: 1:GFacbGbcaGaGFGFacbGbca (+Gacbc)+ 2:aG
This melody: [1] b [2]
4. Antiphon: CAO 1429 Annuntiaverunt opera dei et facta eius intellexerunt
Similarity: 86%
Common structure: 1:GFacbGbcaGaGFGFacb (+G)+ 2:bcaG
This melody: [1] a [2]
Content Approved by: MMDB
Last updated: Friday, 14 March 2003