3 Antiphons related to 'Qui mihi ministrat me sequatur'
based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs
1. Antiphon: Sun de hic stantibus qui non gustabun mortem donec videant Filium hominis in regno suo.
Similarity: 83%
Common structure: 1:DCFGFGa (+á)+ 2:aGFaGEGaGFGFE (+DFCE)+ 3:FGFED
This melody: [1] b [2] [3]
2. Antiphon: CAO 2712 Et omnes angeli stabant in circuitu throni et ceciderunt in conspectu throni in facies suas et adoraverunt deum
Similarity: 87%
Common structure: 1:DCFGFGa (+á)+ 2:aGFaGEGaGFGFEDFC 3:EFGFED
This melody: [1] c [2] F [3]
3. Antiphon: CAO 2009 Cum immundus spiritus exierit ab homine ambulat per loca inaquosa quaerens requiem et non invenit
Similarity: 81%
Common structure: (+DC)+ 1:FGFGa (+á)+ 2:aGFaGEGaGFGFEDFC 3:EFGFED
This melody: D [1] b [2] DF [3]
Content Approved by: MMDB
Last updated: Friday, 14 March 2003