Introit related to 'Rorate coeli de super et nubis' |
based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs
Introit: Borate celi de super et nubes pluant ju stum aperiatur terra et geminet salva tor em. Et justitia oriatur simul ego dominus creavi eum Gloria patri |
Similarity: 82% |
Common structure: 1:CDaáacaGacbcdcdcFa (+á)+ 2:aGcaGFaGFGFGacGFGFDFEFGFGFDFCEDED |
This melody: [1] b [2] FGacaGaGFGacaGFEDFGacaGFED |