Introit related to 'Suscepimus Deus misericordiam tuam in me' |
based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs
Introit: Suscepimus Deus, misericordiam tuam in medio templi tui: secundum nomen tuum Deus, ita et laus tua in fines terrae: justitia plena est dextera tua. |
Similarity: 91% |
Common structure: (+DEDab)+ 1:acaGaGaFGacGFaFabcaFaFGaGac (+b)+ 2:cGFaGFGFaGcedcdcacdabaGaca (+cd)+ 3:acFGacacGFaGFGFDFGFGa (+b)+ 4:GFGEFDEFD |
This melody: CDaá [1] a [2] bc [3] á [4] |