Introit related to 'Sacerdotes tui Domine induant justitiam' |
based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs
Saceredotes tui domine in duant
justitiam et sancti tui exultent pro ter david
servum tu um non avertas faci em christi tui.
Alle luya. Memento domine david et omnis
mansuetudinis ejus. Gloria. |
Similarity: 86% |
Common structure: 1:FDFEFGaFDFEFacaGFDEDGacaGD (+F)+ 2:aGaFGDFGFEFEFEFGaGaGEFEFGaGaGacabcbcbcdedcbcabcbaGaGaGacaGaGaFEFEDEDEFGaGFaGFGEGFE |
This melody: [1] [2] GabGFaGFGEGFEGacdcbacGacbaGabGaGacbaGabGa |