5 Responsory Verses related to 'Non ne iste est David' |
based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs
1. Responsory Verse: CAO 7090 Tibi enim gemina scientia pollen ti, ac superni amoris igne fer ven ti, coelestis olim doctrine ministerium delegavi. |
Similarity: 84% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGaFGaGaba (+FGa)+ 2:caGaGaFGaGabaG 3:aGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GFbGbab [2] FGaGabaG [3] |
2. Responsory Verse: CAO 6201 Dantur ergo laudes Deo altissimo, et, resonan te organo, vocis angelicae modulata suavitas pro cul diffun ditur. |
Similarity: 84% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGaFGaGaba (+FGa)+ 2:caGaGaFGaGabaG 3:aGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GFbGbab [2] FGaGabaG [3] |
3. Responsory Verse: CAO 6064 Esto igitur jam securus de prae mio, qui a mox, deposito onere car nis, nostr eris addendus collegio. |
Similarity: 85% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGaFGaGaba (+FGa)+ 2:caGaGaFGaGabaG 3:aGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GFbGbab [2] FGabaG [3] |
4. Responsory Verse: CAO 7897 Cujus inter cessio nobis obtineat veniam, qui per tormen ta passionis aeter nam meruit palmam et sem piternam coronam |
Similarity: 88% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGaFGaGaba (+FGa)+ 2:caGaGa 3:FGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GFbGbab [2] Ga [3] |
5. Responsory Verse: CAO 6713 Oro, Domine, ut fiat spi ritus tuus duplex in me. At ille inqui Si videris quan do tollar a te, erit quo petisti. |
Similarity: 88% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa 2:FGaGaba (+FGa)+ 3:caGaGaFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] Ga [2] GFGábab [3] |