6 Responsory Verses related to 'San titate quoque insignis diaconi arce' |
based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs
1. Responsory Verse: CAO 6201 Dantur ergo laudes Deo altissimo, et, resonan te organo, vocis angelicae modulata suavitas pro cul diffun ditur. |
Similarity: 83% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa 2:GaGa 3:GabaGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] F [2] baGFbGbabcaGaGaFGa [3] |
2. Responsory Verse: CAO 6064 Esto igitur jam securus de prae mio, qui a mox, deposito onere car nis, nostr eris addendus collegio. |
Similarity: 80% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa 2:GaGa 3:GabaGFGa (+Ga)+ 4:baGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] F [2] baGFbGbabcaGaGaFGa [3] [4] |
3. Responsory Verse: CAO 6636 Fecique tibi nomen gra de, juxta nomen magnorum qui sun in ter ra, et requiem dedi tibi ab omnibus inimicis tuis. |
Similarity: 96% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGaGa 2:GaGabaGFGaGa 3:baGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] F [2] Ga [3] |
4. Responsory Verse: CAO 7467 Beatus es, Simon Bar Jona, qui a caro et san guis non revelavit tibi, sed Pater meus qui est in coelis. |
Similarity: 99% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGaGa 2:GaGabaGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] F [2] |
5. Responsory Verse: CAO 7381 Omnia judicia tua justa sun et omnes viae tuae misericordia et veritas: et nun Domine, memento mei. |
Similarity: 96% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGaGa 2:GaGabaGFGa (+Ga)+ 3:baGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] F [2] [3] |
6. Responsory Verse: CAO 6713 Oro, Domine, ut fiat spi ritus tuus duplex in me. At ille inqui Si videris quan do tollar a te, erit quo petisti. |
Similarity: 87% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGaGa 2:GaGabaGFG 3:aGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] F [2] ábabcaGaGaFG [3] |