25 Responsory Verses related to 'Ecce nun tem pus acceptabile ecce' |
based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs
1. Responsory Verse: CAO 7500 Dominum tuum illum con stitui, et omnes fra tre ejus ser vituti illius sub jugavi. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] |
2. Responsory Verse: CAO 6578 Apparebit in finem et non mentietur: si moram fecerit, exspe ta eum, quia veniens veniet. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] |
3. Responsory Verse: CAO 7177 Rorate coeli desuper et nubes pluant Justum aperiatur terra, et ger minet Salvatorem |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] |
4. Responsory Verse: CAO 6139 Respice, Domine, de san tuario tuo et de excelso coelorum habitaculo. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] |
5. Responsory Verse: CAO 6314 Domus pudici pectoris tem plum repen te fit Dei: intacta nesciens virum verbo con cipit Filium. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] |
6. Responsory Verse: CAO 6326 Disper ge illos in virtute tua et depone eos, pro tector noster, Domine. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] |
7. Responsory Verse: CAO 7320 A sum mo coelo egres sio ejus, et occursus ejus usque ad sum mum ejus. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] |
8. Responsory Verse: CAO 7622 Ibat igitur Saulus furia invectus dirum que toto pectore virus efflabat. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] |
9. Responsory Verse: Prudentes virgines, aptate lam pades vestras ecce spon sus venit, exite obviam ei. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] |
10. Responsory Verse: CAO 7069 Haec Maria fuit illa Domino gra tissima, quae unguen to pre tioso pedes unxit Domini. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] |
11. Responsory Verse: CAO 6273 Hii empti sun ex omnibus primitiae Deo et Agno, et in ore eorum non est inventum men dacium. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] |
12. Responsory Verse: CAO 6895 Cantate ei canticum novum: bene psallite ei in vociferatione. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] |
13. Responsory Verse: CAO 3711 Mar tinus episcopus migra vit a seculo vivit in Chri sto gemma sacerdotum. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] |
14. Responsory Verse: CAO 7116 Statuit illitestamen tum sem piternum et beatificavit illum in glori a. Et. |
Similarity: 92% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] CD |
15. Responsory Verse: CAO 7312 Prudentes virgines aptate lampades vestras ecce sponsus venit exite exite obviam e i. In le. Gloria. In le |
Similarity: 88% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] GaGFGa |
16. Responsory Verse: CAO 7503 Et ego dico tibi qui a tu es Petrus, et super han petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam. |
Similarity: 90% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGa 4:GFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] baGa [4] |
17. Responsory Verse: CAO 7503 Et ego dico tibi, qui a tu es Petrus, et super han petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam. |
Similarity: 90% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGa 4:GFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] baGa [4] |
18. Responsory Verse: CAO 6464 Tamquam nugaces aestimati sumus ab illo, et abstinet se a viis nostr tamquam ab immun ditiis, et prae fert novissima justorum |
Similarity: 84% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGaba 4:GaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] b [3] cbGabaGFGa [4] |
19. Responsory Verse: CAO 7090 Tibi enim gemina scientia pollen ti, ac superni amoris igne fer ven ti, coelestis olim doctrine ministerium delegavi. |
Similarity: 82% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa 2:GaFGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] FGaGabaGFbGbabcaGa [2] b [3] |
20. Responsory Verse: CAO 6201 Dantur ergo laudes Deo altissimo, et, resonan te organo, vocis angelicae modulata suavitas pro cul diffun ditur. |
Similarity: 82% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa 2:GaFGaGa (+á)+ 3:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] FGaGabaGFbGbabcaGa [2] b [3] |
21. Responsory Verse: CAO 6785 Felici commercio pro terrenis celestia pro perituris eterna com mu tans. Ac demum Gloria. Celos. |
Similarity: 83% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGaáaGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] aGacdaGaGFDEFGF |
22. Responsory Verse: CAO 6776 Magna est gloria ejus in salutari tuo gloriam et magnum decorem impones super e um. In seculum |
Similarity: 89% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGa (+Ga)+ 2:FGaGaáaGFGaGabaGaGFGaGF (+E)+ 3:GaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] [3] GaGaáa |
23. Responsory Verse: CAO 6636 Fecique tibi nomen gra de, juxta nomen magnorum qui sun in ter ra, et requiem dedi tibi ab omnibus inimicis tuis. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGaGaFGaGa (+á)+ 2:aGFGaGa 3:baGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] b [2] Ga [3] |
24. Responsory Verse: CAO 7467 Beatus es, Simon Bar Jona, qui a caro et san guis non revelavit tibi, sed Pater meus qui est in coelis. |
Similarity: 97% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGaGaFGaGa (+á)+ 2:aGFGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] b [2] |
25. Responsory Verse: CAO 7777 Salutis nostr Auctorem Magi venerati sun in cunabulis, et de thesauris suis mysticas ei munerum species obtulerun |
Similarity: 89% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFGaGaGaFGaGaáaGFG 2:aGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] babcaGaGaFG [2] |