2 Responsory Verses related to 'Ecclesia illius virtute roboratur Sacerd'
based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs
1. Responsory Verse: CAO 7229 Nos qua si senes levioris pugnae cursum recipimus, te autem quasi juvenem manet gloriosior de tyran no triumphus pos triduum me sequeris sacerdotem levita.
Similarity: 92%
Common structure: 1:GcbcdcbcbaGaG 2:bacdcbabca 3:GaGFacbacdc (+b)+ 4:abcabGabaGFGa 5:caGabaGFGacbcdcbabaGaG
This melody: [1] ac [2] b [3] dcaGaG [4] Ga [5]
2. Responsory Verse: CAO 7701 Et intran tes domum invenerun Puerum cum Maria matre ejus, et pro cidentes adoraverun eum.
Similarity: 81%
Common structure: 1:GcbcdcbcbaGaG 2:bacdcbabca (+GaGFacbacdcbabca)+ 3:bGabaGFGa 4:caGabaGFGacbcd (+cb)+ 5:abaGaG
This melody: [1] ac [2] [3] Ga [4] baG [5]
Content Approved by: MMDB
Last updated: Friday, 14 March 2003