2 Responsory Verses related to 'Pascha nostru immolatus est Chri stu'
based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs
1. Responsory Verse: CAO 7757 Cherubim quoque et Sera phim San tus pro claman et omnis coelicus ordo, dicen tes:
Similarity: 91%
Common structure: 1:aGaGFEDGa 2:dcdcbaGaba 3:cdcbaGabaDCFG (+FGbG)+ 4:babcbaGaGaGFEFGFED
This melody: D [1] Ga [2] bab [3] [4]
2. Responsory Verse: CAO 7757 Cherubim quoque et Seraphim Sanctus pro claman et om nis coelicus ordo, dicen tes:
Similarity: 93%
Common structure: 1:aGaGFEDGa 2:dcdcbaGab (+a)+ 3:cdcbaGabaD (+CFG)+ 4:FGbGbabcbaGaGaGFEFGFED
This melody: D [1] Ga [2] [3] [4]
Content Approved by: MMDB
Last updated: Friday, 14 March 2003