22 Responsory Verses related to 'Collegerunt ergo pon tifices et pharisae' |
based on common motifs in the same order and greater than 80% similarity calculated as the percentage of all notes in the melody contained in common motifs
1. Responsory Verse: CAO 7543 In diem per ditionis servabitur, et ad diem ultionis ducetur. |
Similarity: 86% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGa 3:baGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GaFG [2] áaGFGa [3] |
2. Responsory Verse: CAO 7876 Ab intus in fim briis aureis circumamicta varietate. |
Similarity: 88% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GaFGaGab [2] |
3. Responsory Verse: CAO 7161 Deus iniqui in frexerun in me et fortes que sierun animam me am. Et. |
Similarity: 86% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GaGaFGaGab [2] |
4. Responsory Verse: CAO 6403 Averte oculos meos ne videant vanitatem: in via tua vivifica me. |
Similarity: 86% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GaGaFGaGab [2] |
5. Responsory Verse: CAO 7814 Ego enim ostendam illi, quan ta opor teat eum pro nomine meo pati. |
Similarity: 86% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GaGaFGaGab [2] |
6. Responsory Verse: Averte oculos meos ne videant vanitatem: in via tua vivifica me. |
Similarity: 86% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GaGaFGaGab [2] |
7. Responsory Verse: CAO 7202 Corripe me, Domine, in misericor dia et non in furore tuo, ne forte ad nihium redigas me. |
Similarity: 82% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGa (+b)+ 3:aGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] G [2] FGaGabaGFG [3] |
8. Responsory Verse: CAO 6636 Fecique tibi nomen gra de, juxta nomen magnorum qui sun in ter ra, et requiem dedi tibi ab omnibus inimicis tuis. |
Similarity: 80% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GaGaGaFGaGabaGFG [2] |
9. Responsory Verse: CAO 7467 Beatus es, Simon Bar Jona, qui a caro et san guis non revelavit tibi, sed Pater meus qui est in coelis. |
Similarity: 82% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGa 3:baGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] G [2] FGaGabaGFGaGa [3] |
10. Responsory Verse: CAO 7381 Omnia judicia tua justa sun et omnes viae tuae misericordia et veritas: et nun Domine, memento mei. |
Similarity: 84% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGa 3:baGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] G [2] FGaGabaGFGa [3] |
11. Responsory Verse: CAO 6668 Si Dominus Deus meus fuerit mecum in via ista, per quam ego ambulo, et custodierit me. |
Similarity: 90% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGa 3:baGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] G [2] FGaGa [3] |
12. Responsory Verse: CAO 7650 Sur gens mane Jacob, tulit lapidem et erexit in titulum funden que oleum desuper, ait. |
Similarity: 84% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GaGaGaFGaGab [2] |
13. Responsory Verse: CAO 6160 Domine, qui me creasti et tulisti a me amorem saeculi: qui corpus meum a pollutione separasti. |
Similarity: 84% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GaGaGaFGaGab [2] |
14. Responsory Verse: CAO 6920 Ecce nun tem pus acceptabile, ecce nun dies salutis: nemini dantes ullam offensionem. |
Similarity: 82% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGa 3:baGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] G [2] FGaGaáaGFGaGa [3] |
15. Responsory Verse: CAO 7621 San titate quoque insignis, diaconi arce suscepta, vices pon tificis diligentur exsequebatur. |
Similarity: 83% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGabaG 3:aGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GaGaG [2] FGaGabaG [3] |
16. Responsory Verse: CAO 6879 Viditque Deus cun ta quae fecerat: et erant valde bona. |
Similarity: 95% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] GaG [2] |
17. Responsory Verse: CAO 6540 Vere Dominus est in loco isto, et ego nesciebam |
Similarity: 91% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF 2:aGaGa (+b)+ 3:aGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] G [2] Gaá [3] |
18. Responsory Verse: CAO 7742 Etenim Pasch nostru immolatus est Christus. |
Similarity: 94% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGF (+a)+ 2:GaGabaG (+aG)+ 3:FGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] [2] [3] |
19. Responsory Verse: CAO 7060 Plan tatus in domo domini in atriis domus dei no stri Flo. |
Similarity: 89% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFa 2:GaGabaG 3:aGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] F [2] FGaG [3] Ga |
20. Responsory Verse: CAO 7297 Qui coelum terram que regit in saecula solus. |
Similarity: 98% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFa 2:GaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] F [2] |
21. Responsory Verse: CAO 7582 Ut digni efficiamur gratia Dei. |
Similarity: 98% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFa 2:GaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] F [2] |
22. Responsory Verse: CAO 7582 Ut digni efficiamur gratia Dei. |
Similarity: 98% |
Common structure: 1:aGaGFa 2:GaGabaGaGFGaGFEGaGF |
This melody: [1] F [2] |