Medieval Music Database
Je voi tres bien qu'endureranonymous ballade
Torino: Biblioteca Nazionale s.J.II.9, fol. 103v-104 (3/1).
The Cypriot-French Repertory of the Manuscript Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale, J.II.9. III. Ballades, edited by Richard H. Hoppin, Rome: American Institute of Musicology, 1963. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 21/III, p. 30.
1. Musique de Jongleur et Musique Savante (13th century). Beginning of Swiss Polyphony (14th century), Brussels Pro Musica Antiqua, directed by Safford Cape (1953): Anthologie Sonore AS 91.
2. The Ars Nova: Vocal Music of 14-Century France and Italy, Capella Cordina, directed by Alejandro Planchart (1966): Expériences Anonymes EA/EAS 83.
3. Le Roman de Fauvel, 1310-1316, Clemencic Consort, directed by Rene Clemencic (1975): Harmonia Mundi HMF 994 (FRA).
