Medieval Music Database
Souviegne vous d'estriner vostre amantThree-voice anonymous rondeau
Berkeley (California): University Library (olim Philipps 4450), fol. 18v (3/1).
CROCKER, Richard L. 'A new source for medieval music theory', Acta Musicologica, XXXIX (1967), plate I.
1. CROCKER, Richard L. 'A new source for medieval music theory', Acta Musicologica, XXXIX (1967), p. 167.
2. French Secular Compositions of the Fourteenth Century, music edited by Willi Apel, texts edited by Samuel N. Rosenberg, Rome: American Institute of Musicology, 1972. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 53/III, p. 142.
3. French Secular Music. Rondeaux and Miscellaneous Pieces, edited by Gordon K. Greene, with literary texts by Terence Scully, Monaco: Editions de Oiseau-Lyre, 1989. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century XXII, p. 134.
HASSELMAN, Margaret P. The French Chanson of the Mid-Fourteenth Century, 2 vols., Ph.D. dissertation, University of California (Berkeley), pp. 175, 176.
