Medieval Music Database
Est ce maufait Raison se veuil serviranonymous virelai
Torino: Biblioteca Nazionale s.J.II.9, fol. 155v (3/1).
The Cypriot-French Repertory of the Manuscript Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale, J.II.9. IV. Virelais and Rondeaux, edited by Richard H. Hoppin, Rome: American Institute of Musicology, 1963. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 21/IV, p. 61.
1. WILKINS, Nigel. Music in the Age of Chaucer, Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1979. Chaucer Studies I, p. 90.
2. LINDLEY, Mark. 'Pythagorean intonation and the rise of the triad', RMA Research Chronicle, 16 (1980), p. 33, examples 5 and 12.
