Se cuers ioiaus; Rex beatus Confessor Domini; AveThree-voice anonymous motet SourcesLondon: British Library, Additional 41667(I) (McVeigh fragment), fol. 26v (Triplum only);Paris: Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds fran�ais 146, fol. 10 (3/3); Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds nouv. acq. fran�ais 23190 (olim Serrant Ch�teau, ducs de la Tr�mo�lle), fol. 46v-47 (lost). Facsimiles1. WOLF, Johannes. Geschichte der Mensural-Notation von 1250-1460 nach den theoretischen und praktischen Quellen, 3 vols., Leipzig: Breitkopf & H�rtel, 1904. [reprinted Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1965], p. 11 (diplomatic).2. Le Roman de Fauvel, manuscrit in�dit de la Biblioth�que Nationale (fran�ais 146) reproduit par un proc�d� photographique inalt�rable, facsimile edition by Pierre Aubry, Paris: Librairie Paul Geuthner, 1907, (Fauv). 3. ROESNER, Edward H. Le Roman de Fauvel in the edition of Mesire Chaillou de Pesstain, New York: Broude Brothers, 1990. Editions1. WOLF, Johannes. Geschichte der Mensural-Notation von 1250-1460 nach den theoretischen und praktischen Quellen, 3 vols., Leipzig: Breitkopf & H�rtel, 1904. [reprinted Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1965], Vol. III, p. 20.2. The Roman de Fauvel; The Works of Philippe de Vitry; French Cycles of the Ordinarium Missae, edited by Leo Schrade, Monaco: Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1956. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century I, p. 26. Literature1. GASTOU�, Am�d�e. Les Primitifs de la musique fran�aise, Paris: 1922, p. 47.2. HOPPIN, Richard H. 'A musical rotulus of the fourteenth century', Revue belge de musicologie, IX (1955): 131-142. 3. SCHRADE, Leo. 'Philippe de Vitry: some new discoveries', Musical Quarterly, XLII (1956): 330-354. RecordingsLes Primitifs Fran�ais de Philippe-Auguste � Philippe-le-Bel, Vocal and instrumental ensemble, directed by Roger Blanchard: Ducretet-Thomson Duc 320. |