Medieval Music Database
A vous vierge de doucour; Ad te virgo; Regnum mundiThree-voice anonymous motet
Ivrea: Biblioteca Capitolare 115, fol. 19v-20 (3/2).
Motets of French Provenance, edited by Frank Ll. Harrison, Monaco: Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1968. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century V, p. 74.
1. BORGHEZIO, Gino. 'Poesie musicali latine e francesi in un codice ignorato de la Biblioteca capitolare d'Ivrea (Torino)', Archivum romanicum: nuova rivista di filologia romanza, V (1921), p. 180.
2. SANDERS, Ernest. 'The mediaeval motet', Gattungen der Musik in Einzeldarstellungen: Gedenkschrift Leo Schrade, Erste Folge, Bern, Munich: 1971, pp. 497-573.
Monuments of the Ars Nova, vol. 2, J. L. Daniels (S), R. Bonté (T), A. Lafosse (bass-trumpet),, directed by Guillaume de Van (1939?): Oiseau-Lyre OL 2 (78rpm, 12'').
