Medieval Music Database
Spiritus et almeanonymous Gloria
Brussels: Bibliothèque Royale II. 266, fol. 1-1v (3/3).
1. COUSSEMAKER, Edmond de. Histoire de l'harmonie au moyen-âge, Paris: Didron, 1852, plate 33.
2. English Fourteenth-Century Polyphony: Facsimile Edition of Sources Notated in Score, edited by William J. Summers, Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1983. Münchner Editionen zur Musikgeschichte IV, plates 1-2.
1. HANDSCHIN, Jacques. 'Zur Frage der melodischen Paraphrasierung im Mittelalter', Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, X (1927-1928), p. 544.
2. English Music for Masses and Offices, Part 1, edited by Frank Ll. Harrison, Ernest H. Sanders and Peter M. Lefferts, Monaco: Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1983. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century XVI, p. 42.
