Medieval Music Database
... merenti modo scitientianonymous cantilena
Worcester: Cathedral Library, Additional 68, fragment xix, fol. a1-a1v (#82) (3/3).
Worcester Add. 68, Westminster Abbey 33327, Madrid, Bib. Nac. 192, facsimile edition by Luther Dittmer, Brooklyn, N.Y.: 1959. Publications of Medieval Music Manuscripts 5, no.82.
The Worcester Fragments: A Catalogue Raisonné and Transcription, edited by Luther Dittmer, American Institute of Musicology, 1957. Musicological Studies and Documents 2, no. 82.
SUMMERS, William J. 'Unknown and unidentified English polyphonic music from the fourteenth century', RMA Research Chronicle, 19 (1983-1985): 57-67.
