Feria Sexta Hebdomadae Primae Adventus |
Ad Laudes: |
Antiphon : CAO 2549 Ecce veniet Deus et homo de domo David sedere in throno, alleluia. |
Source: Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale 'Augusta', Ms 2783, fol. 31r |
Antiphon : CAO 2549 Ecce veniet Deus et homo de domo David sedere in throno, alleluia. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 11r |
Ad secundas Vesperas: |
Antiphon : CAO 2743 Ex Aegypto vocavi Filium meum: veniut salvet populum suum. |
Source: Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale 'Augusta', Ms 2783, fol. 31v |
Related Melodies: 33 have a similarity of more than 80% |
Antiphon : CAO 2743 Ex Aegypto vocavi Filium meum: veniut salvet populum suum. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 11r |
Related Melodies: 33 have a similarity of more than 80% |