Feria Quarta Hebdomadae Quartae Adventus |
Ad Laudes: |
Antiphon 1: CAO 4392 Prophe tae praedicaverun nasci Salvatorem de Virgine Maria. |
Source: Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale 'Augusta', Ms 2783, fol. 112v |
Related Melodies: one has a similarity of more than 80% |
Antiphon 1: CAO 4392 Prophe tae praedicaverun nasci Salvatorem de Virgine Maria. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 28v |
Related Melodies: one has a similarity of more than 80% |
Antiphon 2: CAO 4999 Spiritus Domini super me evan gelizare pauperibus misit me. |
Source: Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale 'Augusta', Ms 2783, fol. 112v |
Antiphon 3: CAO 1428 Annun tiate populis, et dicite: Ecce Deus Salvator noste veniet. |
Source: Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale 'Augusta', Ms 2783, fol. 113r |
Related Melodies: 44 have a similarity of more than 80% |
Antiphon 3: CAO 1428 Annun tiate populis, et dicite: Ecce Deus Salvator noste veniet. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 28v |
Related Melodies: 44 have a similarity of more than 80% |
Antiphon 5: CAO 2551 Ecce veniet Dominus ut sedeat cum prin cipibus et solium gloriae teneat. |
Source: Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale 'Augusta', Ms 2783, fol. 113v |
Antiphon 5: CAO 2551 Ecce veniet Dominus ut sedeat cum prin cipibus et solium gloriae teneat. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 28v |
Antiphon 5: CAO 4400 Propter Sion non tacebo, donec egrediatur ut sple dor Justus ejus. |
Source: Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale 'Augusta', Ms 2783, fol. 114r |
Antiphon 5: CAO 4400 Propter Sion non tacebo, donec egrediatur ut sple dor Justus ejus. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 28v |
Antiphon : CAO 4305 Ponen Domino glo riam, et laudem ejus in insulis nun tiabun quia ecce veniet et non tardabit. |
Source: Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale 'Augusta', Ms 2783, fol. 106v |
Antiphon : CAO 4305 Ponen Domino glo riam, et laudem ejus in insulis nun tiabun quia ecce veniet et non tardabit. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 27r |