Medieval Music Database
S. Tiburtii |
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Antiphon 1: CAO 3324 Inclitus mar tyr Tiburtius, cum nudatis plan tis super prunas ardentes incederet, Fabiano praefecto dixit: Videtur mihi quod super roseos flores in cedam in nomine Domini mei Jesu Chri
sti |
Source: Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale 'Augusta', Ms 2785, fol. 83v |
Antiphon 1: CAO 3324 Inclitus mar tyr Tiburtius, cum nudatis plan tis super prunas ardentes incederet, Fabiano praefecto dixit: Videtur mihi quod super roseos flores in cedam in nomine Domini mei Jesu Chri
sti |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 303v |
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