S. Dionysii |
Ad Vesperas: |
Antiphon 1: CAO 5332 Veniente sponso pruden vir go preparata introivit cum eo ad nuptias. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 338v |
![](../Modern_Images/antiphon/ANTIPDEP.jpg) |
Psalm 1: Domine dominus |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 338v |
![](../Modern_Images/psalmus/PSALMAFL.jpg) |
EUOUAE 2: E u o u a e. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 338v |
![](../Modern_Images/seculoru/SECULADK.jpg) |
Hymn : Que vox que poterit lingua retexere. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 416r |
![](../Modern_Images/hymnus/HYMNAEQ.jpg) |
Antiphon : CAO 4404 Pruden tes vir gines aptate lampades vestras ecce sposus venit exite obviam ei. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 338v |
![](../Modern_Images/antiphon/ANTIPCOH.jpg) |
Related Melodies: 61 have a similarity of more than 80% |
In primo nocturno: |
Responsory 3: CAO 7444 Prudentes virgines. Aptate lam pades nestr |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 339r |
![](../Modern_Images/responso/RESPOBAI.jpg) |
In secundo nocturno: |
Responsory 3: CAO 6029 Adducentur regi virgines post eam. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 339r |
![](../Modern_Images/responso/RESPOAAL.jpg) |
Responsory Verse 3: CAO 6029 Proxime ejus afferen tur tibi. Post eam. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 339r |
![](../Modern_Images/versus/VERSAAYW.jpg) |
In tertio nocturno: |
Antiphon 1: CAO 5251 Tunc surrexerunt omnes vir gines ille et ornaverunn lampades suas. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 339r |
![](../Modern_Images/antiphon/ANTIPDCR.jpg) |
Related Melodies: 2 have a similarity of more than 80% |
EUOUAE 2: E u o u a e. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 339r |
![](../Modern_Images/seculoru/SECULADO.jpg) |
Responsory 3: Veniente sponso que parate erant. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 339r |
![](../Modern_Images/responso/RESPOBIG.jpg) |
Responsory Verse 3: Intraverun cum eo ad nuptias. Que parate erant. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 339r |
![](../Modern_Images/versus/VERSAASB.jpg) |
Ad Laudes: |
Antiphon 1: CAO 4404 Prudentes virgines aptate lam pades nestras ecce spon sus venit exite obviam ei. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 338v |
![](../Modern_Images/antiphon/ANTIPCOI.jpg) |
EUOUAE 2: E u o u a e. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 338v |
![](../Modern_Images/seculoru/SECULADL.jpg) |
Antiphon 3: CAO 3730 Media nocte clamor factus est ecce sponsus venit exite obviam ei. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 339r |
![](../Modern_Images/antiphon/ANTIPCBT.jpg) |
Related Melodies: 58 have a similarity of more than 80% |
EUOUAE 3: E u o u a e. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 339r |
![](../Modern_Images/seculoru/SECULADM.jpg) |
Responsory Verse 3: CAO 7444 Ecce sponsus venit exite obviam ei. Apta te lam pades nestr |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 339r |
![](../Modern_Images/versus/VERSAAKN.jpg) |
Antiphon : CAO 4953 Simile est regnum celorum decem virginibus que accipientes lampades suas exierunt obviam sponso et sponse. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 338v |
![](../Modern_Images/antiphon/ANTIPCXA.jpg) |
Related Melodies: one has a similarity of more than 80% |
Antiphon : Venite omnes virgines sapientissime oleum recondite in vasis vestris |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 339r |
![](../Modern_Images/antiphon/ANTIPDFC.jpg) |
Related Melodies: 13 have a similarity of more than 80% |
Benedictus : Benedictu |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 338v |
![](../Modern_Images/psalmus/PSALMAEU.jpg) |
Ad secundas Vesperas: |
EUOUAE 6: E u o u a e. |
Source: State Library of Victoria, Ms *096.1 R66A: The Poissy Antiphonal, fol. 339r |
![](../Modern_Images/seculoru/SECULADN.jpg) |