Medieval Music Database
Cambridge, St. John's College Library 84 (D.9)
5 or 6 three-voice cantilena settings in score, probably from the first half of the 14th century, survive on the two paste-downs at either end of this 15th century collection of literary texts.
EVERIST, Mark and Margaret BENT. 'Cambridge, St. John's College MS 84 (D.9)' [in] `New sources of English thirteenth- and fourteenth-century polyphony', compiled by P. Lefferts and M. Bent, Early Music History, 2 (1982): 315-321.
- fol. 1-1v, [A]b ora summa nuncius a summo patre mittitur (cantilena))
- fol. 1v-?2v, Psallens flecte / Nubis extat pallium (cantilena))
- fol. 3-3v, Lucerna syderis lucens / Que rare faciens (cantilena))
- fol. 3v-4, [I]n rosa primula cum ver florigerat (cantilena))
- fol. 4v, ... sordidum / ...exilium (cantilena))
CONCORDANCES1.London, British Library, Sloane 1210 (142, [I]n rosa primula cum ver florigerat; 143v, [A]b ora summa nuncius a summo patre mittitur)
