Medieval Music Database
London, British Library, Sloane 1210
A grammatical treatise dated 1420, but with two musical flyleaves at the beginning and five at the end from a smaller manuscript of the middle third of the 14th century. The 14 works include motets and mass movements.
- Répertoire international des sources musicales. BIV 2. Manuscripts of Polyphonic Music (c.1320-1400), edited by Gilbert Reaney, G. Henle Verlag: Munich-Duisburg, 1969, pp. 229-234.
- SHELDON, Margaret Mary. A Musicological and Paleographical Study of London, British Library, MS Sloane 1210, M.Mus. dissertation, London (Goldsmith's): 1979.
- fol. 1, Credo (Credo))
- fol. 1%%, [V]eni, mi dilecte, iam aperiuntur (cantilena))
- fol. 1%%v, [A]rbor Ade veteris (cantilena))
- fol. 1v-1%%, [T]riumphus patet hodie - ... genuflectere et summo opere (whole chant setting))
- fol. 138-139, Gloria (Gloria))
- fol. 139-139v, [K]yria, Christifera plebis modulantis (Kyrie))
- fol. 139v-140, [V]irgo salvavit hominem (cantilena))
- fol. 140, O lux beata trinitas (hymn))
- fol. 140v-141, [Q]uare fremuerunt gentes - [Q]uare fremuerunt gentes (whole chant setting))
- fol. 141v, [Gaudeamus o]mnes in Domino (introit))
- fol. 141v, [All]eluia. O miranda Domina merito (alleluia))
- fol. 142, [I]n rosa primula cum ver florigerat (cantilena))
- fol. 142v-143, [Z]elo tui langueo, virgo regia - [R]eor nescia que sit sapientia (motet))
- fol. 143v, [A]b ora summa nuncius a summo patre mittitur (cantilena))
- BESSELER, Heinrich. 'Studien zur Musik des Mittelalters. I. Neue Quellen des 14. und beginnenden 15. Jahrhunderts', Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, VII (1925): 167-252 (p. 224).
- EVERIST, Mark and Margaret BENT. 'Cambridge, St. John's College MS 84 (D.9)' [in] `New sources of English thirteenth- and fourteenth-century polyphony', compiled by P. Lefferts and M. Bent, Early Music History, 2 (1982): 315-321.
CONCORDANCES1.Cambridge, Pembroke College 228 (iv, Credo).
2.Cambridge, St. John's College Library 84 (D.9) (1-1v, [A]b ora summa nuncius a summo patre mittitur; 3v-4, [I]n rosa primula cum ver florigerat).
3.Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Handschriften-Inkunabelabteilung, Latinus monacensis 5023 (153-155, [A]rbor Ade veteris).
4.Oxford, Bodleian Library, Arch. Selden B.14 (312v\1, [K]yria, Christifera plebis modulantis).
5.York, Minster Library xvi.N.3 (10v, [Z]elo tui langueo, virgo regia - [R]eor nescia que sit sapientia).
Recordings of works contained in this manuscriptXIvth and Early XVth Century English Polyphony: Expèriences Anonymes EA 31: Gloria;.
