Medieval Music Database
Langue puens envenimeeballade by Antonellus da Caserta
Modena: Biblioteca Estense e Universitaria a.M.5.24 (Latino 568; olim IV.D.5), fol. 15 (3/1).
1. French Secular Compositions of the Fourteenth Century, music edited by Willi Apel, texts edited by Samuel N. Rosenberg, Rome: American Institute of Musicology, 1971. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 53/II, p. 61.
2. French Secular Music. Ballades and Canons, edited by Gordon K. Greene, Monaco: Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1982. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century XX, p. 165.
LESZCZYNSKA, Agnieszka. 'Slady trecenta w Poznaniu (Remnants of the Trecento in Poznan)', Muzyka, XXXVI (1991), p. 64-65.
