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Medieval Music Database

Passerose de beautT pure et fine

Three-voice anonymous rondeau


Paris: Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds italien 568, fol. 25v-26 (3/0); Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds nouv. acq. fran�ais 6771 (Reina Codex), fol. 65v-66 (3/1).


1. A Fourteenth-Century Repertory from the Codex Reina, edited by Nigel Wilkins, [n.p.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1966. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 36, p. 64.
2. HASSELMAN, Margaret P. The French Chanson of the Mid-Fourteenth Century, 2 vols., Ph.D. dissertation, University of California (Berkeley), Vol. II, p. 149 (Pn6771).
3. French Secular Compositions of the Fourteenth Century, music edited by Willi Apel, texts edited by Samuel N. Rosenberg, Rome: American Institute of Musicology, 1972. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 53/III, p. 118.
4. French Secular Music. Rondeaux and Miscellaneous Pieces, edited by Gordon K. Greene, with literary texts by Terence Scully, Monaco: Editions de Oiseau-Lyre, 1989. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century XXII, p. 102 (Pn568)., p. 104 (Pn6771).


1. HASSELMAN, Margaret P. The French Chanson of the Mid-Fourteenth Century, 2 vols., Ph.D. dissertation, University of California (Berkeley), pp. 172-173, 174.
2. GOMEZ, Maria Carmen. 'La musique � la maison royale de Navarre � la fin du moyen �ge et le chantre Johan Robert', Musica Disciplina, XLI (1987), p. 144.
3. BERGER, Christian. Hexachord, Mensur und Textstruktur, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1992, p. 34.

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Last updated: Wednesday, 19 March 2003

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