Medieval Music Database
A touz jours sanz remanoirmonophonic anonymous rondeau
Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds français 146, fol. 19 (1/1).
1. Le Roman de Fauvel, manuscrit inédit de la Bibliothèque Nationale (français 146) reproduit par un procédé photographique inaltérable, facsimile edition by Pierre Aubry, Paris: Librairie Paul Geuthner, 1907.
2. ROESNER, Edward H. Le Roman de Fauvel in the edition of Mesire Chaillou de Pesstain, New York: Broude Brothers, 1990.
1. HARRISON, Gregory. The Monophonic Music in the Roman de Fauvel, Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University: 1963, p. 208.
2. ROSENBERG,Samuel N. & Hans TISCHLER, The monophonic songs in the Roman de Fauvel, Lincoln & London: University of Nebraska Press, 1991, p. 70.
REANEY, Gilbert. '"Ars Nova" in France', [chapter 1 of] The New Oxford History of Music. III. Ars Nova and the Renaissance, edited by Dom Anselm Hughes and Gerald Abraham, London: Oxford University Press, 1960, p. 12.
