Medieval Music Database
... baptizas...; ...sacer presulTwo-voice anonymous motet
Oxford: Magdalen College Library 266-268, fol. 26/Ms268 (2/1) (fragment).
1. LEFFERTS, Peter M. The Motet in England in the Fourteenth Century, Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1986, pp. 284-285, 347.
2. ZIINO, Agostino. Il Codice T. III. 2, The codex T. III. 2, Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Introductory study and facsimile edition, Lucca: Libreria Musicale Italiana, 1994, p. 2r.
The Worcester Fragments, Accademia Monteverdiana, directed by Denis Stevens: Nonesuch H-71308.
