Medieval Music Database
[untexted work: GB-Cfm 47]anonymous cantilena
Cambridge: Fitzwilliam Museum 47-1980 (olim Bradfer-Lawrence 34[3]), fol. 2v (2/0).
1. Manuscripts of 14th Century English Polyphony: A Selection of Facsimiles, edited by Frank Ll. Harrison and Roger Wibberley, London: Stainer & Bell, 1982. Early English Church Music XXVI, plate 146.
2. English Fourteenth-Century Polyphony: Facsimile Edition of Sources Notated in Score, edited by William J. Summers, Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1983. Münchner Editionen zur Musikgeschichte IV, plate 230.
BENT, Margaret and Peter LEFFERTS. 'New sources of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century English polyphonic music', Early Music History, edited by Iain Fenlon, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2 (1982), p. 294.
