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Medieval Music Database - Composers

The Works of Baude Cordier

Other names: Cordier, Baude (Grove, MGG), Baude Fresnel,

`Tout par compas' tells us Cordier was born in Rheims. Most likely to be identified with Baude Fresnel, harpist and organist at the Burgundian court (Wright). Lindley: he may also be `Baudecet' (i.e Baude `of the cetra') in Arnaut of Zwolle's treatise.

Amans ames secretement Rondeau
Belle bonne sage Rondeau
Ce jour de l'an que maint doist estrenier Rondeau
Dame excellent ou sont bonte Ballade
Gloria from Bologna: Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Ms Q
Je suy celuy qui veul toudis servir Rondeau
Pour le deffault du noble dieu bachus Rondeau
Que vaut avoir qui ne vit liement Rondeau
Se cuer d'amant par soy humilier Rondeau
Tant ay de plaisir et de desplaisance Rondeau
Tout par compas Rondeau

Literature on Baude Cordier

Manuscripts of works by Baude Cordier

Recordings of works by Baude Cordier

Content Approved by: MMDB Director
Last updated: Monday, 2 June 2003

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