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Medieval Music Database

Quant j'ay l'espart

rondeau by Guillaume de Machaut


New York: Wildenstein Collection, fol. 317v (2/1);
Paris: Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds fran�ais 843 (text); Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds fran�ais 1584 (MachA), fol. 477 (2/1); Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds fran�ais 1585 (MachB), fol. 316v (2/1); Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds fran�ais 1586 (MachC), fol. 202 (2/1); Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds fran�ais 9221 (MachE), fol. 136 (2/1); Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds fran�ais 22546 (MachG), fol. 150v (2/1);
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Library, French MS 15, number 116 (text).


1. Guillaume de Machaut: Musikalische Werke. Erster Band: Balladen, Rondeaux und Virelais, edited by Friedrich Ludwig, Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & H�rtel, 1926, p. 54.
2. The Works of Guillaume de Machaut, Second Part, edited by Leo Schrade, Monaco: Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1956. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century III, p. 145.
3. Guillaume de Machaut (1300-1377), p. 6.
4. FULLER, Sarah. The European Musical Heritage 800-1750, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1987.

Text Editions

Guillaume de Machaut: po�sies lyriques, 2 vols., edited by V. Chichmaref, Paris: 1909, p. 570.


1. MACHABEY, Armand. Guillaume de Machault, 130?-1377: La vie et l'oeuvre musicale, 2 vols, Paris: Richard-Masse-Editeur, 1955. Biblioth�que d'�tudes musicales, pp. 155-156.
2. G�NTHER, Ursula. Der musikalische Stilwandel der franz�sischen Liedkunst in der zweiten H�lfte des 14. Jahrhunderts, dargestelt an Virelais, Balladen und Rondeax von Machaut., Ph.D. dissertation, University of Hamburg: 1957, Chapter 4.2.
3. HIRSHBERG, Jehoash. 'Hexachordal and modal structure in Machaut's polyphonic chansons', Studies in Musicology in Honor of Otto E. Albrecht, 1980.
4. G�NTHER, Ursula. 'Contribution de la musicologie � la biographie et � la chronologie de Guillaume de Machaut', Guillaume de Machaut, po�te et compositeur. Colloque - Table Ronde, 1978, pp. 95-116.


The Art of Courtly Love. Vol. I. Guillaume Machaut and His Age [Contemporaries], Early Music Consort of London, directed by David Munrow (1973): HMV SLS 863(3) (GB).


Quant j'ay l'espart
De vo regart.
Dame d'onnour.
Son doulz espart
En moy espart
Toute doucour.

Car main et tart
M'esprent son dart
De fine amour.
Quant j'ay l'espart
De vo regart.
Dame d'onnour;

Et me repart
D'un ris que m'art.
Mais celle ardour
Par son dous art
De moy depart
Toute doulour.

Quant j'ay l'espart
De vo regart.
Dame d'onnour.
Son doulz espart
En moy espart
Toute doucour.


When I see the flash
Of your glance.
Most noble lady.
Its sweet flame
Spreads out in me
Every delight.

For morning and night
Its dart pierces me
With tender love.
When I see the flash
Of your glance.
Most noble lady;

And it rewards me
With a smile that burns me.
But this ardour
By its sweet art
Drives from me
Every pain.

When I see the flash
Of your glance.
Most noble lady.
Its sweet flame
Spreads out in me
Every delight.

Text revision and translation © Jennifer Garnham

Content Approved by: MMDB Director
Last updated: Wednesday, 19 March 2003

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