Se mesdisans en acortvirelai by Guillaume de Machaut SourcesNew York: Wildenstein Collection, fol. 326v (1/1);Paris: Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds fran�ais 843 (text); Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds fran�ais 1584 (MachA), fol. 486 (1/1); Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds fran�ais 1585 (MachB), fol. 324v (1/1); Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds fran�ais 1586 (MachC), fol. 154 (1/1); Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds fran�ais 9221 (MachE), fol. 159v (1/1); Biblioth�que Nationale, fonds fran�ais 22546 (MachG), fol. 157v (1/1); Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Library, French MS 15, number 192 (text). Editions1. Guillaume de Machaut: Musikalische Werke. Erster Band: Balladen, Rondeaux und Virelais, edited by Friedrich Ludwig, Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & H�rtel, 1926, p. 76.2. The Works of Guillaume de Machaut, Second Part, edited by Leo Schrade, Monaco: Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1956. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century III, p. 174. 3. Guillaume de Machaut (1300-1377), p. 8. Text EditionsGuillaume de Machaut: po�sies lyriques, 2 vols., edited by V. Chichmaref, Paris: 1909, p. 598.Literature1. MACHABEY, Armand. Guillaume de Machault, 130?-1377: La vie et l'oeuvre musicale, 2 vols, Paris: Richard-Masse-Editeur, 1955. Biblioth�que d'�tudes musicales, pp. 183-184.2. G�NTHER, Ursula. Der musikalische Stilwandel der franz�sischen Liedkunst in der zweiten H�lfte des 14. Jahrhunderts, dargestelt an Virelais, Balladen und Rondeax von Machaut., Ph.D. dissertation, University of Hamburg: 1957, Chapter 4.3. 3. G�NTHER, Ursula. 'Contribution de la musicologie � la biographie et � la chronologie de Guillaume de Machaut', Guillaume de Machaut, po�te et compositeur. Colloque - Table Ronde, 1978, pp. 95-116. 4. BENT, Margaret. 'The Machaut manuscripts Vg, B and E', Musica Disciplina, XXXVII (1983), p. 79. Recordings1. Guillaume de Machaut: 1. The Musical Art of Machaut. 2. Le Rem�de de Fortune. 3. Veoir Dit., Ensemble Guillaume de Machaut of Paris (1975-1977): Ad�s 7078 (3 discs).2. The study of love, Gothic Voices, directed by Christopher Page (1992): Hyperion CDA66619. TextSe mesdisans en acortSont pour moy grever a tort. C'est par leur enie. Car desservi ne l'ay mie; Pour ce de leur genglerie Bien me reconfort. Mais pour eaus mettre en esmay. Plus que ne sueil je seray Joieuse et jolie. Et si aray le cuer gay Et sagement me tenray Sans faire folie. Einsi feray leur deport Muer en grant desconfort Et s'ay de m'aie Bonne volente et lie Et loyaute dont garnie Sui jusqu'a la mort. Se mesidans en acort... Se mesdisans en acort... Einsi me deporteray De tout ce que dire orray. N'en melancolie Ja mon cuer n'en meteray. Pour ce que pure me scay De leur tricherie; Ne cuers qui est de bon port Ne doit doubter leur raport Plein de felonnie. N'onques en jour de ma vie Ma pensee en vilonnie Ne prist son ressort. Se mesdisans en acort... Se mesdisans en acort... Pour ce de riens ne m'esmay Qu'en loyaute fiance ay. Et, quoy que nulz die. Tant com mon devoir feray Leur parler ne doubteray. Que pas ne deffie Et en derrier point et mort. Mais quant leur gengle plus fort Seur moy se deslie. Tant sui je plus envoisie. Car Dieus scet, ou je me fie. Comment je me port. Se mesdisans en acort... TranslationIf evil tongues are in accordTo say ill of me wrongfully. It is by envy. For I have not deserved it at all; Therefore about their tattling I console myself. But to put them to confusion. More than I used I will be Cheerful and pretty. And I will keep a happy heart And conduct myself wisely Without acting foolishly. So I will cause their glee To change to great dismay And so I have to support me Good will and a light heart And loyalty with which I am furnished till my death. If evil tongues are in accord... If evil tongues are in accord... Thus I will be glad Of all that I will hear said. Nor in melancholy Will I ever set my heart. Because I know myself innocent Of their lies; Nor should any well-disposed heart Be afraid of their report Full of malice. Nor on any day of my life Did my thoughts in villainy Take their source. If evil tongues are in accord... If evil tongues are in accord... Therefore nothing dismays me For I have confidence in loyalty And, whatever anyone says. So long as I do my duty I will not fear their talk Which does not challenge But pricks and bites from behind. But when their gossip most strongly Unleashes itself against me. Then I am the more joyful. For God knows, in whom I trust. How I conduct myself. If evil tongues are in accord... Text revision and translation © Jennifer Garnham |