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Medieval Music Database

OimF 'l core! Non pi·, non pi· ardore

ballata by Francesco Landini


Florence: Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, Palatino 87 (Squarcialupi Codex), fol. 141v (2/2);
Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds italien 568, fol. 103 (2/2).


Il Codice Squarcialupi edited by F. Alberto GALLO, Lucca: Libreria Musicale Italiana, 1992.


1. The Works of Francesco Landini, edited by Leonard Ellinwood, Cambridge/Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Academy of America, 1939, p. 134.
2. Der Squarcialupi-Codex Pal. 87 der Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana zu Florenz, edited by Johannes Wolf and H. Albrecht, Lippstadt: Kistner and Siegel, 1955, p. 244.
3. The Works of Francesco Landini, edited by Leo Schrade, Monaco: Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1958. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century IV, p. 71.

Text Editions

1. CORSI, Giuseppe. Rimatori del Trecento, Turin: Unione tipografica editrice torinese, 1969, p. 1074.
2. CORSI, Giuseppe. Poesie musicali del Trecento, Bologna: Commissione per i testi di lingua, 1970, p. 201.


GÜNTHER, Ursula. 'Die "anonymen" Kompositionen des Ms. Paris BN, fonds ital, 568 (Pit)', Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, XXIII (1966), pp. 77, 79.


OimT 'l core! Non pi·, non pi· ardore.
non mi pur molestar, crudel Amore.

Tu pur ferisci con l'arco mortale
e con la face del sagrato foco.
e poi mi lasci e di me non ti cale.
nT a costei, per cui non trovo loco.
Oh, lasso a me, quant'F penoso el gioco
che sotto speme affligi ogni amatore.

Per pi· tormento m'ha' fatto fedele
di cos8 alta e nobile figura.
che vede la mie pena s8 crudele
e non m'aiuta nT di me non cura.
Fanciulla, omF, com'F penosa e dura
la fiamma che di te m'incende el core!


Oh my heart! No more, no more passion.
do not torment me yet, o cruel Love.

You keep wounding me with your deadly bow
and the torch of the sacred fire.
and then you leave me. You do not care about me.
nor does she, because of whom I find no respite.
Alas, how painful is the yoke
which under the guise of hope burdens every lover.

To increase my torment you have made me a liege
to such a lofty and noble figure.
who sees that my pain is so cruel
but neither helps me nor cares about me.
Alas, girl, how painful and hard to bear
is the flame burning my heart because of you.

Text revision and translation © Giovanni Carsaniga

Content Approved by: MMDB Director
Last updated: Wednesday, 19 March 2003

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