Medieval Music Database
Inperial sedendo.anonymous intabulation after a vocal original by Bartolino da Padova
Faenza: Biblioteca Comunale 117 (Faenza Codex), fol. 74v-77 (2/0).
1. CARAPETYAN, Armen. 'The Codex Faenza, Biblioteca Comunale 117 (Fa), pp. 66-71.
2. An Early Fifteenth-Century Italian Source of Keyboard Music: The Codex Faenza, Biblioteca Comunale, 117, facsimile edition by Armen Carapetyan, [n.p.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1961. Musicological Studies and Documents 10, pp.
Keyboard Music of the Late Middle Ages in the Codex Faenza 117, edited by D. Plamenac, [n.p.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1972. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 57, p. 84.
1. WILKINS, Nigel. Music in the Age of Chaucer, Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1979. Chaucer Studies I, pp. 70-71.
2. McGEE, Timothy J. 'Instruments and the Faenza Codex', Early Music, XIV/4 (1986), p. 483.
