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Medieval Music Database

Amor mi stringe assa' pi· che non sole

Two-voice ballata by Paolo da Firenze


Florence: San Lorenzo, Archivio Capitolare 2211 [palimpsest], fol. 107v;
Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds italien 568, fol. 78v-79 (2/1) (plus blank staff for Contratenor).


1. TERMINI, Francesco. Don Paolo, unpublished thesis, University of Southern California: 1956, p. 112.
2. Italian Secular Music, edited by W. Thomas Marrocco, Monaco: Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1978. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century XI, p. 9.
3. The Music of Fourteenth-Century Italy, edited by Nino Pirrotta and Ursula Günther, Rome: American Institute of Musicology. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 8/VI. [forthcoming]

Text Editions

CORSI, Giuseppe. Poesie musicali del Trecento, Bologna: Commissione per i testi di lingua, 1970, p. 274.


1. PIRROTTA, Nino and Ettore LI GOTTI. 'Paolo Tenorista, fiorentino "extra moenia"', Estudios Dedicados a Menéndez Pidal III, Madrid: S. Aguirre, 1952, pp. 591-592.
2. PIRROTTA, Nino. 'Paolo da Firenze in un nuovo frammento dell' Ars nova', Musica Disciplina, X (1956), p. 64.
3. D'ACCONE, Frank. 'Una nuova fonte dell' "Ars nova" italiana: il codice di San Lorenzo, 2111', Studi Musicali, XIII (1984): 3-31.
4. NADAS, John. 'Editorial practices in early Quattrocento Florentine anthologies of secular polyphony', L'Ars nova italiana del Trecento VI: Certaldo 1984, Certaldo: Centro di Studio L'ars nova italiana, 1992.


1. Decameron: Ballate Monodiques de L'Ars Nova Florentine, Esther Lamandier (voice, portative organ, harp, vielle, lut (1980): Astrée AS 56 (FRA).
2. A Song for Francesca. Music in Italy, 1330-1430, Gothic Voices, Andrew Lawrence-King (medieval harp), directed by Christopher Page (1987): Hyperion CDA 66286.


Amor mi stringe assa' pi· che non sole
contra stagion, che pu= e sa e vole.

NT per vari accidenti cangio voglia.
po' ch'Amor lo comanda.
ma pi· fermo che mai.
Ed F tanto piacevole la doglia
che l'animo trasanda
in dolceza di guai.
e 'l discreto pensier dice: - Ben fai.
ch'a nullo amato Amor perdon= mai. -


Love, who can, and knows, and wants.
grips me more than he's wont, at an unusual time.

Since Love commands it, in spite of various accidents.
my desire does not change.
but I am steadier than ever.
Love's pains give so much pleasure
that it's sweet for the soul
to indulge in lamentations.
And my wise thought says: - You do well.
since those who are loved are never spared by Love. -

Text revision and translation © Giovanni Carsaniga

Content Approved by: MMDB Director
Last updated: Wednesday, 19 March 2003

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