Medieval Music Database
Pour la dolour l'annoy le grief martire; Qui dolente n'aura veurondeau by Johannes Cesaris
Oxford: Bodleian Library, MS Canonici Miscellaneous 213, fol. 84v (2/2) (lacks Tenor).
1. DANNEMANN, Erna. Die spätgotische Musiktradition in Frankreich und Burgund vor dem Auftreten Dufays, Strasbourg: 1936. Sammlung musikwissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen 22, p. 136.
2. Early Fifteenth Century Music, edited by Gilbert Reaney, [n.p.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1955. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 11/I, p. 19.
FALLOWS, David. 'Two equal voices: a French song repertory with music for two more works of Oswald von Wolkenstein', Early Music History, 7 (1987), p. 229.
Music from the French Court of Cyprus, 1192-1489, Las Huelgas Ensemble, directed by Paul van Nevel: Alpha DB 264 (BEL).
