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Medieval Music Database

Chi vole amar, ame con vera fede

Two-voice ballata attributed to Johannes Ciconia


Lucca: Archivio di Stato 184 (Mancini Codex), fol. 80v-81 (2/2).


The Lucca Codex. Codice Mancini. Introductory Study and Facsimile Edition, edited by John Nádas and Agostino Ziino, Lucca: Libreria musicale italiana editrice, 1990.


1. CLERCX, Suzanne. Johannes Ciconia: Un musicien liégois et son temps, 2 vols., Brussels: Palais des Académies, 1960, Vol. II, p. 56.
2. NEMETH, George L. The Secular Music of Johannes Ciconia, Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University: 1977, p. 242.
3. Italian Secular Music, edited by W. Thomas Marrocco, Monaco: Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1978. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century XI, p. 27.
4. WILLIAMS, Carol J. The Mancini Codex: A Manuscript Study, Ph.D. dissertation (University of Adelaide), 3 vols., 1983, Vol. II, p. 104.
5. The Works of Johannes Ciconia, edited by Margaret Bent and Anne Hallmark, Monaco: Editions de L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1985. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century XXIV, p. 150.


1. GHISI, Federico. 'Italian Ars nova music, the Perugia and Pistoia fragments of the Lucca Codex, and other unpublished early fifteenth century sources', Musica Disciplina, I/3 (1946), p. 176.
2. MANCINI, Augusto. 'Frammenti di un nuovo codice dell' Ars nova', Rendiconti dell' Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, ser. 8, II (1947), p. 86.
3. BONACCORSI, Alfredo. 'Un nuovo codice dell' Ars nova: Il codice Lucchese', Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Ser. 8, I/12 (1948), p. 585.


1. Johannes Ciconia. Madrigaux et Ballades, Clemencic Consort, directed by Rene Clemencic (1980): Harmonia Mundi HM 10068.
2. Johannes Ciconia, Las Huelgas Ensemble, directed by Paul van Nevel (1980): Musique en Wallonie 80040-44 (set).

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Last updated: Wednesday, 19 March 2003

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