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Medieval Music Database

Recordings of works by Lorenzo da Firenze

  1. The Seraphim Guide to the Classics. Vol. I. Middle Ages and Renaissanc: Seraphim S-2-60151 (USA): Sanctus; .
  2. Music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Vol. I. 13th - 15th Centurie: 2-HMV HQS 1195/6: Sanctus; .
  3. Italian Secular Music of the Trecento: Chant du Monde LDX 78.665 (FRA): Dolgomi a voi maestri del mie canto; .
  4. Songs and Dances of 14th Century Italy: University of East Anglia UEA 78001 (GB): Come in sul fonte fu preso Narcisso; .
  5. The Italian Trecento: Collegium Stereo JE 105: Diligenter advertant chantores (Antefana); .
  6. Musik aus dem Trecento: Fono. Ges. Luzern S 30-4703: Sanctus; .
  7. The Seraphim Guide to Renaissance Music: Seraphim SIC-6052 (set 3) (USA) (1969): Sanctus; .
  8. Ecco la Primavera. Florentine Music of the 14th Century: Argo ZRG 642 (GB) (1969): Dà, dà, a chi avaregia pur persè; .
  9. Musik des Trecento um Jacopo da Bologna: EMI-Reflexe 1C063-30-111 (GER)/ 1C163-30-107/12 (G (1973): Non perch' i' speri, donna; .
  10. Douce Dame: Music of Courtly Love from Medieval France and Italy: Vanguard VSD 71179 (1973): A poste messe veltr' e gran mastini; .
  11. Das Fest des Pierbaldo (Le Festin de Pierbaldo) nach dem Sonettenkranz: Musical Heritage Society MHS 3289 (1973): A poste messe veltr' e gran mastini; .
  12. Messes Polyphoniques de l'Ars Nova: le Manuscrit d'Apt (extraits) et l: Arion ARN 38 319 (1976): Sanctus; .
  13. Decameron: Ballate Monodiques de L'Ars Nova Florentine: Astrèe AS 56 (FRA) (1980): Non perch' i' speri, donna; Non so qual' i' mi voglia; Non vedi tu, Amore, che me tuo servo; Sento d'amor la fiamma e 'l gran podere; .
  14. Improvisation in der Instrumentalmusik des Mittelalters (In memoriam J: Harmonia Mundi HM 624 (1983): Vidi ne l'ombra d'una bella luce; .

Content Approved by: MMDB Director
Last updated: Wednesday, 5 March 2003

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