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Medieval Music Database - Composers

The Works of Piero

Other names: Magister Piero (PMFC); Maestro Piero (Pirrotta); Piero di Giovanni (Fsl)

Piero belonged to the earliest generation of trecento composers. His texts indicate that he spent some time in the 1340's and early 1350's with Giovanni and Jacopo at the courts of the Visconti in Milan and the Scala family in Verona.

A Febo damne Work
All'onbra d'un perlaro Madrigal
Chavalchando chon un giovine achorto Canonic madrigal
Con brachi assai e chon molti sparveri Caccia
Con dolce brama e con gran disio Caccia
Donna non fu gia mai Work
Donna s'io o errato Work
Lasso dolente Work
Ongni dilecto e ongni bel piacciere Canonic madrigal
Quando l'aria cominci' a farsi bruna Madrigal
Quando l'aria cominci' a farsi bruna Madrigal
S� com' al canto della bella Yguana Madrigal
Sovra un fiume reghale Madrigal

Literature on Piero

Manuscripts of works by Piero

Recordings of works by Piero

Content Approved by: MMDB Director
Last updated: Monday, 2 June 2003

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